★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Great
Android-Sync makes syncing Outlook and Android via USB easier than ever!
[Android-Sync Note] is a memo sticky notes app, syncs with Outlook over USB. It delivers productivity features similar to those on BlackBerry and Windows Mobile devices.
+ Simple & intuitive
+ Syncs Outlook with Android over USB
+ Folder manager and customized categories
+ Sort and group by category, date, folder
+ Home screen widgets
+ Syncs Android with Outlook 2000 - Outlook 2013 (64bit)
To sync Android with Outlook, you need to download the sync manager named [Android-Sync], from a Windows PC.
[Android-Sync] is the Android sync manager on Windows PC, works like the ActiveSync and the BlackBerry Desktop. It syncs Outlook contacts, appointments, tasks and notes with Android over USB. Download it from <a href="https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.google.com/url?q%3Dhttp://www.android-sync.com/%26sa%3DD%26usg%3DAFQjCNFMiFniRrY1AFcQMrwNpE79LFFi-g&sa=D&usg=AFQjCNHtl7piy55UQ92wHjUsulFSlBG3wg" target="_blank">http://www.android-sync.com/</a>
Notes: [Android-Sync] is free for trial. And it costs $29.95 for the full version.
* Outlook sync have been done. Coming versions will sync to: Microsoft Exchange, Remember the milk, gTasks, RTM, Producteev, Springpad, Catch, ColorNote Notepad Notes, Astrid, Note Everything, Evernote, Sticky Notes and more...
</div> <div class="id-app-translated-desc" style="display:none">★★★★★大
[Android的同步注]是一个备忘录,便签应用程序,通过USB与Outlook同步。它提供了类似黑莓和Windows Mobile设备上的生产力功能。
+可同步的Android与Outlook 2000 - 2013年展望(64)
与Outlook同步的Android,你需要下载的同步管理器命名为Android的同步,从Windows PC。
[Android的同步是Android同步管理器在Windows PC,就像ActiveSync和BlackBerry桌面。同步Outlook联系人,约会,任务和笔记与Android USB。它从<a href="https://www.google.com/url?q=http://www.android-sync.com/%25E4%25B8%258B%25E8%25BD%25BD&sa=D&usg=AFQjCNFHDI6IkuQVKV1bttUDn2JvIaMxag" target="_blank">http://www.android-sync.com/下载</a>
* Outlook同步已经完成。未来版本将同步到微软Exchange,记住牛奶,gTasks,RTM,Producteev,Springpad,捕捉,ColorNote记事本票据,阿斯特丽德,注意一切,Evernote的,便笺和更多...</div> <div class="show-more-end">